Fix Descriptions

This table lists the title of each Fix and a few of the better known named threats that it preemptively protected against. Click on the Fix Name for a more complete description.

  Fix Name Release Date Threats Blocked
1 Disable the Messenger Service 8/6/2004 Donk, Messenger overflow
2 Disable Dangerous ActiveX Controls 8/6/2004 MyDoom (IFrame variant)
3 Disable Dangerous URL Protocols 8/6/2004 Scob, Zerolin
4 Disable IE Automatic Document Viewing 8/6/2004 XP Self-executing folders
5 Disable the "HTML Application" MIME Type 8/6/2004 download.ject, Bizex
6 Restrict Network RPC / DCOM 8/6/2004 MS Blaster, Maslan.A
7 Secure the IE My Computer Zone 8/6/2004 Bofra, Scob, Bizex, ADODB.Stream
8 Disable the UPnP Service 8/6/2004 uPnP service
9 Block LSASS Vulnerability Exploits (MS04-011) 8/6/2004 Sasser, Korgo, SoBig, SDBot variants
10 Restrict LSA Anonymous Sessions 8/6/2004 Sasser, LSASS vulnerability
11 Disable PCT 1.0 Server Support 8/6/2004 Windows SSL PCT overflow, IIS PCT overflow
12 Disable Shell protocol handler 8/26/2004 Noceegar malware, Shell:Folders
13 Block AIM Away Protocol Buffer Overflow 8/26/2004 AIM buffer overflow
14 Block Program group file exploits 10/25/2004 Shell vuln, Program group converter vuln
15 Disable Machine Debug Manager Service 10/25/2004 W32/SdBot-CH, Backdoor.IRCBot.gen
16 Disable NetDDE Service 10/25/2004 MS Windows NetDDE Remote Buffer Overflow
17 Disable Remote Registry Service 10/25/2004 None known yet, expected
18 Disable WebDAV Fix 10/25/2004 na
19 Block LoadImage Exploits 1/4/2005
20 Disable Indexing Service 1/28/2005
21 Prevent GDI+ Buffer Overflow Fix 7/13/2005 n/a
22 Remote Desktop Fix 7/15/2005 n/a
23 Disable Job Icon Handler Fix 7/15/2005 n/a
24 Disable NetBT 8/9/2005

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