Threat Focus offers an affordable security intelligence service that provides the critical real-time information that every IT manager needs to protect their network and systems from attack and comply with an ever-increasing number of security and privacy regulations.


The Threat Focus service provides two critical features. 1) Real-time, targeted security alerts for over 1,600 products; 2) Automated vulnerability scanning to identify 4,000+ known security weaknesses. The service is complementary to preEmpt and other existing network security offerings such as anti-virus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

- Identify
You can�t solve security problems until you know about them. The Threat Focus service scans externally visible machines on your network for more than 4,000 known vulnerabilities, giving you a view of your network exactly has hackers see it, as 65,000+ potential points of attack. Security experts recommend that you do vulnerability assessments on your network regularly to check for new security holes and make sure that previously solved problems are reintroduced.

- Notify
Threat Focus Tracks 1,600+ Individual Products from Over 600 Vendors. With our proprietary security scanning process, we constantly monitor more than 1,000 sources to identify any new threats, alerts or patches within minutes of when they are announced. When there is a new security alert for any of the products selected within your alert profiles, that person or group is instantly notified. A web-based management console provides an easy to use and effective method for prioritizing and tracking patch implementations.

- Comply
State, Federal and International laws are in place today requiring businesses to document the steps they are taking to ensure best-practice security measures. Without documented efforts, businesses become liable for damages in the event of a security breach.

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